CloudSurf performs real-time monitoring tasks in public cloud production environments. To run an experiment you just need to configure the credentials of your account.
Choose among a set of preconfigured experiments or customize your own experiment. Check the estimated cost of your monitoring task before you run it.
Check your own results, choose to share them with the community, and access results obtained by other users.
CloudSurf is designed to support leading public cloud providers (e.g., Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure).
A number of preconfigured network experiments can be picked from our portfolio. Moreover you can also customize your own experiments, leveraging a wide set of parameters.
CloudSurf is open source and is designed to be easily extensible. Join the community, feel free to contact the developers and discuss further extensions.
Feature | State |
Support to Amazon Web Service Cloud | Available |
Support to Microsoft Azure Cloud | Under Development |
Intra-Datacenter Network Performance Monitoring | Available |
Inter-Datacenter Network Performance Monitoring | Available |
Inter-Cloud Network Performance Monitoring | Under Testing... |
Cloud Storage Performance Monitoring | Under Testing... |
User-to-Cloud Network Monitoring | Under Development |
Fully Customizable Experiments | Under Development |
Access to results shared by the Community | Available |
Interactive mode | Available |
Batch mode | Under Development |
CloudSurf is designed to work on Unix/Linux systems. It has been extensively tested on Ubuntu.
If you are using CloudSurf for scientific papers, academic lectures, project reports, or technical documents, please help us increasing its impact by adding a reference to:
Valerio Persico, Alessio Botta, Pietro Marchetta, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapé, On the performance of the wide-area networks interconnecting public-cloud datacenters around the globe, Computer Networks, Volume 112, 2017, Pages 67-83, ISSN 1389-1286, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2016.10.013.[ARTICLE] [BIBTEX]
Valerio Persico, Pietro Marchetta, Alessio Botta, Antonio Pescapè, Measuring network throughput in the cloud: The case of Amazon EC2, Computer Networks, Volume 93, Part 3, 24 December 2015, Pages 408-422, ISSN 1389-1286, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2015.09.037.[ARTICLE] [BIBTEX]
In order to run CloudSurf, you just need
To utilize CloudSurf, you need credentials to access cloud services. You don't have an active Amazon account? Create a free account and try CloudSurf for free!
For Amazon, in Unix/Linux systems credentials can be configured into a file named ".boto" in your homedir.It might look like:
[Credentials] aws_access_key_id = <your_access_key_here> aws_secret_access_key = <your_secret_key_here>
If you have an active Amazon account, but you don't know how to retrive <your_access_key_here> and <your_secret_key_here>, please follow these steps.
The python interpreter is already installed in the default Ubuntu distribution. Otherwise you need to install the python package.
You need to be administrator to install them at system level.~# apt-get -y install python2.7 ~# apt-get -y install python-numpy ~# cd <Cloud/Surf/Directory> ~# pip install -r requirements.txt
After these easy steps you are ready for surfing with us!
~# python cloudsurf.py -i