Welcome to the Traffic web site
Traffic is a research group working in the area of computer networks and multimedia,
with focus on Network Monitoring and Measurements. Our research involves measuring and evaluating
both experimental and operational systems/networks to derive knowledge and models for network behaviors.
Traffic (and this is the main motivation of its name) focuses on monitoring Internet traffic to provide
input for developing new algorithms, protocols, and systems for the current and future Internet, with a
specific focus on network management and security.
Besides teaching activities, it is involved in several national and international research projects.
Although it is a young group, formed in 2003, it has a significant track record with respect to funding (approx. more than 1.5 Ml euro)
and publications (e.g. conferences like SIGCOMM, Conext, IMC and journals like JSAC, IEEE Networks, IEEE Communication Magazines, etc). Click on the menu on the left side for links to our main projects, publications and software we have produced.
We are part of the larger Computer Networks group (COMICS)
at University of Napoli Federico II.
We are happy to announce the release of our new and open dataset to the Internet community.
You can find it at the following URL: http://traffic.comics.unina.it/mirage.
The MIRAGE paper has won the Best Paper Award at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communications and Security (ICCCS 2019), October 2019, Rome (Italy).
Our MIRAGE-2019 dataset is a human-generated dataset for mobile traffic analysis with associated ground-truth, having the goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in mobile app traffic analysis.
MIRAGE-2019 contains data related to 40 Android apps (e.g., Facebook, Spotify, Twitter, etc.) related to 16 different categories (e.g., Social, Communication, Lifestyle, etc.) of Google Play store and collected by more than 280 experimenters, during May 2017- May 2019.
Find additional info HERE!
Traffic openings 2025
We are continuously looking for qualified and self-motivated graduate students and Post Docs (both Italian and foreign) with background in
networking, programming, statistical data analysis, in at least one of the following areas:
- Network and Traffic Measurement and Analysis
- Broadband Monitoring and Censorship Detection (in a project partially funded by Google)
- High-performance Traffic Generation and Classification (in collaboration with worldwide Industries)
- Active Probing and Network Tracerouting
- Cloud Networking and SDN/NFV
- Smart City and Mobility (in collaboration with worldwide Industries)
For those who are interested, please send an email with subject "Traffic Openings" to pescape AT unina.it,
including a copy of your resume (with photo, link to the research web page and a list of at least two references), transcripts, publications list,
and other closely related credentials.
Here a pdf with detailed information.
If you are interested in collaborating with us or in opportunities in Traffic,
please send an e-mail to Antonio Pescapè