MIRAGE-AppAct-2024 Dataset
MIRAGE-AppAct-2024 is a human-generated dataset encompassing the traffic of 20 Popular Mobile Apps and labeled with both the app with and the specific activity performed.
DOWNLOAD THE PUBLIC MIRAGE-AppAct-2024 DATASETMIRAGE-AppAct-2024 takes into consideration the traffic generated by more than 240 experimenters using 20 popular mobile apps via 3 devices. Each app was used to perform at least one of the following activities: Chat (Chat), Audio-call (ACall), Online Gaming (Gaming), Video-call (VCall), and Video-streaming (Streaming).
The dataset is released in JSON format, making available the raw traffic data captured
APP LIST reports the details on the apps and related activities contained in the downloadable version of the dataset.
MIRAGE-AppAct-2024 dataset is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
If you are using MIRAGE-AppAct-2024 human-generated dataset for scientific papers, academic lectures, project reports, or technical documents, please help us increasing its impact by citing the following reference:
Idio Guarino, Domenico Ciuonzo, Antonio Montieri, Antonio Pescapè, MIRAGE-APPxACT-2024: A Novel Dataset for Mobile App and Activity Traffic Analysis, Under submission, 2024.