Former Developers
Stefano Avallone |
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione (DIETI) |
Via Claudio, 21 - 80125 - Napoli |
HomePage: |
Alberto Dainotti |
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica |
Via Claudio, 21 - 80125 - Napoli |
HomePage: |
Donato Emma |
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica |
Via Claudio, 21 - 80125 - Napoli |
The following people have contributed in various ways during the course of the D-ITG implementation and testing (the list is no particular order).
Thanks to all!
- Saverio Masino: involved in one of the first versions of D-ITG.
- Rosario Bosco: involved in the D-ITG performance improvements.
- Luca Vollero: involved in the porting to Linux Familiar platforms.
- Salvatore Guadagno: one of the main past developers of the D-ITG platform. Thanks for it.
- Giuseppe Galeone: involved in bugs notifications, software testing and revisions.
- Salvatore Loreto: involved in the first (beta) version of the D-ITG supporting SCTP.
- Nenad Cuturic: involved in the first version of the D-ITG supporting DCCP.
- Alessandro Ferraiuolo: analysis of the quality of generation.
- Pietro Marchetta: multiplayer online games traffic generation.
- Marco Ghidelli: multiplayer online games traffic generation.
- Fabio Ercolino: software testing and revisions, SCTP testing and fixing.
- Luigi Diana: software testing and revisions, DCCP testing and fixing.
- Vincenzo Sirressi: porting on Intel IXP platforms.
- Francesco Rendine: porting on Intel IXP platforms.
- Gennaro Di Pasquale: testing and revisions.
- Giovanni Venturi: GUI.
- Loreto Di Resta: introduced different important features and improved stability.
Our apologies, if we forgot anyone or anything. Please, let us know!
The following people have contributed sending us bug notifications, patches and/or comments. Thanks to all!
- Dr. K. Salah (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals): a critical bug notification.
- Grzegorz Lysko: patches for supporting multicast traffic.
- Stefan Goethals: an incredible stuff on bugs notification !!!
- Volker Semken: bugs notification and D-ITG GUI.